On Thu, Aug 13, 2020 at 1:32 AM The Lee-Man <leeman.dun...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sunday, August 9, 2020 at 11:08:50 AM UTC-7, Amit Bawer wrote:
>> ...
>>>> The other option is to use one login-all call without parallelism, but
>>>> that would have other implications on our system to consider.
>>> Such as?
>> As mentioned above,  unless there is a way to specify a list of targets
>> and portals for a single login (all) command.
>>>> Your answers would be helpful once again.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> - Amit
>>> You might be interested in a new feature I'm considering adding to
>>> iscsiadm to do asynchronous logins. In other words, the iscsiadm could,
>>> when asked to login to one or more targets, would send the login request to
>>> the targets, then return success immediately. It is then up to the end-user
>>> (you in this case) to poll for when the target actually shows up.
>> This sounds very interesting, but probably will be available to us only
>> on later RHEL releases, if chosen to be delivered downstream.
>> At present it seems we can only use the login-all way or logins in a
>> dedicated threads per target-portal.
>>> ...
> So you can only use RH-released packages?

Yes, we support RHEL and CentOS now.

> That's fine with me, but I'm asking you to test a new feature and see if
> it fixes your problems. If it helped, I would add up here in this repo, and
> redhat would get it by default when they updated, which they do regularly,
> as does my company (SUSE).

Sure, this is how we do things. But using async login is something we can
use only
in a future version, maybe RHEL/CentOS 8.4, since it is probably too late
for 8.3.

Just as a "side" point, I wouldn't attack your problem by manually listing
> nodes to login to.
> It does seem as if you assume you are the only iscsi user on the system.
> In that case, you have complete control of the node database. Assuming your
> targets do not change, you can set up your node database once and never
> have to discover iscsi targets again. Of course if targets change, you can
> update your node database, but only as needed, i.e. full discovery
> shouldn't be needed each time you start up, unless targets are really
> changing all the time in your environment.

This is partly true. in oVirt, there is the vdsm daemon managing iSCSI
so usually only vdsm manipulates the database.

However even in vdsm we have an issue when we attach a Cinder based volume.
In this case we use os-brick (https://github.com/openstack/os-brick) to
attach the
volume, and it will discover and login to the volume.

And of course we cannot prevent an admin from changing the database for
valid reasons.

So being able to login/logout to specific nodes is very attractive for us.

If you do discovery and have nodes in your node database you don't like,
> just remove them.

We can do this, adding and removing nodes we added, but we cannot remove
we did not add. If may be something added by os-brik or an administrator.

Another point about your scheme: you are setting each node's 'startup' to
> 'manual', but manual is the default, and since you seem to own the
> open-iscsi code on this system, you can ensure the default is manual.
> Perhaps because this is a test?

No, this is our production setup. I don't know why we specify manual, maybe
this was not the default in 2009 when this code was written, or maybe the
was to be explicit about it, in case the default would change?

Do you see a problem with explicit node.startup=manual?

> So, again, I ask you if you will test the async login code? It's really
> not much extra work -- just a "git clone" and a "make install" (mostly). If
> not, the async feature may make it into iscsiadm any way, some time soon,
> but I'd really prefer other testers for this feature before that.

Sure, we will test this.

Having async login API sounds great, but my concern is how do we wait for
login result. For example with systemd many things became asynchronous, but
there is no good way to wait for things. Few examples are mounts that can
after the mount command completes, because after the completion udev changes
permissions on the mount, or multipath devices, which may not be ready after
connecting to a target.

Can you elaborate on how you would wait for the login result, and how would
get login error for reporting up the stack? How can you handle timeouts?
This is
easy to do when using synchronous API with threads.

>From our point of view we want to be able to:

    start async login process
    for result in login results:
        add result to response
    return response with connection details

This runs on every host in a cluster, and the results are returned to oVirt
managing the cluster.


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