Generally in favor of including this performance patch with the release. Just a few questions:

1. How good is the patch? Has it been put through whatever extensive Unit Tests tests anyone has?

2. How easy is it to respin the release? I'd hope that this is a matter of a few hours but I'm not the one doing the work ;-)

Procedurally there is no issue since Mike hasn't yet called for a vote.

I'd be happy if the patch were included in the release candidate because it's the release candidate that the community should be testing. And if this patch has any issues, we'll hear about it.


On Apr 11, 2007, at 2:09 PM, Kevin Sutter wrote:


Now that Abe has graciously resolved OpenJPA-134 (, I would really like to see this get included into the 0.9.7 release. This fix looks to resolve the
redundant sql joins that were dogging the performance of certain
benchmarks. By including this fix in the 0.9.7 release, I think our OpenJPA
story would be all that much better.

Since we haven't started a vote yet, are there any issues with either
re-cutting the 0.9.7 branch or applying Abe's fix to the 0.9.7 branch before starting a vote? I would assume that neither of these options would cause
much headache for Mike (famous last words)...


Craig Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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