On 4/19/07, Phill Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here it is:

[2007-04-18 18:37:07,937] INFO  ca.BidSpec.testing.emall.UserFactoryTest Began
transaction (1): transaction manager
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; default rollback =
25547  WARN   [main] openjpa.MetaData - Found duplicate query
"PersonFXLastFirst" in "class ca.BidSpec.emall.user.Person".  Ignoring.
33360  TRACE  [main] openjpa.jdbc.SQL - <t 19399109, conn 28442012> executing
prepstmnt 23861335 SELECT t0.id, t0.lastUpdated, t0.active, t0.activeFrom,
t0.activeUntil, t0.created, t0.displayName, t0.firstName, t0.lastLogin,
t0.lastName, t0.locale, t0.loginName, t0.middleName, t2.id, t2.lastUpdated,
t2.description, t3.id, t3.lastUpdated, t3.description, t2.value, t4.id,
t4.lastUpdated, t4.description, t4.categoryTypeFK, t4.value, t5.id,
t5.lastUpdated, t5.created, t5.description, t5.displayName, t5.name, t6.id,
t6.lastUpdated, t6.description, t6.categoryTypeFK, t6.value, t0.title,
t0.visible FROM bidspec.person t0 INNER JOIN bidspec.manufacturer t1 ON
t0.manufacturerFK = t1.id LEFT OUTER JOIN bidspec.category t2 ON t0.roleFK =
t2.id LEFT OUTER JOIN bidspec.category t4 ON t0.salutationFK = t4.id LEFT OUTER
JOIN bidspec.manufacturer t5 ON t0.manufacturerFK = t5.id LEFT OUTER JOIN
bidspec.categorytype t3 ON t2.categoryTypeFK = t3.id LEFT OUTER JOIN
bidspec.category t6 ON t5.typeFK = t6.id WHERE (UPPER(t1.name) = ? AND
UPPER(t0.loginName) = ?) ORDER BY t0.lastName ASC, t0.firstName ASC
[params=(String) BIDSPEC, (String) PMORAN]
33360  TRACE  [main] openjpa.jdbc.SQL - <t 19399109, conn 28442012> [0 ms] spent
<0|false|0.9.6-incubating> org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceException:
        at org.apache.openjpa.kernel.BrokerImpl.find(BrokerImpl.java:851)

What database do you use? Show the line where the query is created and
the parameters are passed. How do the persistence.xml look like? Do
you happen to use orm.xml-like files? What Spring version is used?
Show the Person entity (ca.BidSpec.emall.user.Person).

I wonder why you only get the following warning message

25547  WARN   [main] openjpa.MetaData - Found duplicate query
"PersonFXLastFirst" in "class ca.BidSpec.emall.user.Person".  Ignoring.

, but there's no corresponding warning message for the entity behind
p.store (possibly <package>.Store). Do you happen to *not* annotate
the Store class with @Entity? Could you attach the whole TRACE output
of OpenJPA execution?


Jacek Laskowski

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