On Apr 26, 2007, at 1:49 PM, David Jencks wrote:

Thanks for all the comments, I've learned a lot.

1. I have a classloader scanning strategy written and apparently working, however it is rather slow at least in geronimo. Is anyone interested in it, seeing as how its not an appropriate approach in a app server according to Patrick's comment below? I think it might still be useful as a "last resort" strategy.

2. It looks like the best strategy for geronimo to follow is to figure out which jars in an ee app can possibly have persistent classes in them and supply a list of those jars to the PersistenceUnitInfo. IIUC scanning those jars is already implemented.

IIRC the spec limited the scope of a persistence unit to the jar that contains the persistence.xml file, so we shouldn't have to do deep scanning.

3. I can't get running ddl on a connection from an XADataSource in a simulated "RequiresNew" transaction to work reliably with derby. The ddl appears to work fine but attempts to read data from the created sequence table hang until the tx times out and derby does not report any deadlocks. Based on Craig's comments I've added a non-jta-datasource and this seems to be working much better. Has anyone seen problems like this? (seems unlikely in this context since i had to modify a bunch of stuff to get to this problem :-)

If the outer transaction has previously read from that table, you have created a self deadlock. Have you checked the sql to make sure that there isn't a query that referenced the sequence table?


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