The vote in the OpenJPA community to graduate from the incubator to a new top level project has completed. The vote thread can be viewed at [1] starting with message [2].

The next step is to prepare a vote for the incubator.

+1 votes were recorded from:

Craig Russell
Patrick Linskey
Marc Prud'hommeaux
Phill Moran
Dain Sundstrom
Hans J. Prueller
Pinaki Poddar
David Jencks
Brian McCallister
Kevin Sutter
Michael Dick
Geir Magnusson Jr.
Jay D. McHugh
Michael Bouschen
Eddie O'Neil

No -1 or 0 votes were recorded.

A couple of personal observations on the vote

I very much appreciate the contributions by our Mentors during the process of incubation, and we still would like to have all of you on the new PMC. So if you change your minds, just speak up and we'll be happy to have you back.

The discussion regarding the charter of the new project brings up again the importance of communication, both in terms of knowing what people in the community are thinking and if there is an issue, raising it as soon as anyone notices it.

[1] 200705.mbox/thread [2] 200705.mbox/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Craig Russell

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