I've gone ahead and created https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ OPENJPA-239 in order to track comments and patches for this issue.

On May 16, 2007, at 12:56 PM, Patrick Linskey wrote:

Would you guys be interested in getting donations in that area?


We do have our homegrown solution that does that (along with some other
goodies as well). It's currently based on our metadata representation
reverse-engineered from the database schema, it'd be nice (read: more
flexible and maintainable) to have it based on openjpa metadata and
integrated in openjpa itself for the community to use.

The basics could be implemented as a new subtype of
ReverseMappingTool.ReverseCodeGenerator that did more intelligent
things in the various field / method generators; ideally, we'd want to
provide options for things like leaving ORM metadata in XML but
putting @Entity and @Id etc. in classes, and obviously the ability to
not write any XML at all and put everything in annotations instead.


On 5/16/07, Gokhan Ergul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Marc Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> That is correct: the reversemappingtool only currently supports
> generating an orm.xml file. We would like to add support for
> generating annotations someday, but it is not there yet.

Would you guys be interested in getting donations in that area? We do
have our homegrown solution that does that (along with some other
goodies as well). It's currently based on our metadata representation
reverse-engineered from the database schema, it'd be nice (read: more
flexible and maintainable) to have it based on openjpa metadata and
integrated in openjpa itself for the community to use.


Patrick Linskey
202 669 5907

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