Unfortunately, you do need to be able to connect to a database in order to generate a SQL DDL. I think it would be a pretty minor project to remove this restriction, but as of right now, it exists.

Note that you can generate a database-independent schema XML file without connecting to any database, e.g. with:

java org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingTool -action buildSchema - schemaAction none -DBDictionary oracle -schemaFile schema.xml com.company.MyEntity

With that file, you can later use the SchemaTool to build the schema.

On May 30, 2007, at 1:00 PM, Jack Fong wrote:


Have anyone able to generate a DDL from a Java source file without setting
up a DB please?  Thanks.



 /  Jack Fong
/ Software Developer, Rational/AIM WebSphere, Java EE Application Tools
    IBM Canada Ltd.
 /  905-413-3930 (T/L 969)
 /  D3/RKB/8200/MKM

/ (Embedded image moved to file: pic02110.gif) (Embedded image moved to
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