Hello Pravin,

  thank you for checking with us (I have merged former Gautam's
reply here too to have all the facts together).

----- Original Message -----
> From: "S, Gautam" <gaut...@hpe.com>
> To: open-scap-list@redhat.com
> Sent: Monday, April 4, 2016 11:00:10 AM
> Subject: Re: [Open-scap] Template for file pattern match
> Hi Pravin,

FWIW regarding the question of OVAL template for regex match - we track
it under:
  [1] https://github.com/OpenSCAP/scap-security-guide/issues/1083

> This was something I also wondered about. However, there are some subtle
> aspects that might affect this which I learned once I gave it a shot.
> 1) Not all pattern matches are same. Some search whether a pattern exists in
> a file, some check for the absence, some check for the first match only,
> some for all matches, some checks will involve external variables passed in
> as well. At the very least, you will need </path/to/file>,<regex to
> find>,<check_existence>,<instance> for basic ones.
> 2) You will have to keep the title, description and comments extremely
> generic or else update them individually and they are generated. I found
> this to be a huge deterrent to making everything into a template.

There's this count_oval_objects.py utility:

from which output, when run, is clear the <textfilecontent54_object> is clearly 
most used OVAL template e.g. for RHEL/6 content (I would assume the result will 
be the
same for different products too).

But like Gautam already clarified above, from the SSG experience there would
be very small count of cases where the basic <ind:filepath> regex OVAL template
would be sufficient. IOW if you would have a look at those existing OVAL checks 
using <ind:textfilecontent54_object> often the final form of the OVAL ends up in
the state where:
* it's necessary to reference some external_variable,
* it's necessary to have more rules (more objects),
* it's necessary to have more states,
* it's necessary to reference some OVAL rule dependency,
* it's necessary for the regex to search the last occurrence of somestring in 
file etc etc.

This is not to say the OVAL <ind:textfilecontent54_object> template wouldn't be 
for SSG. But there are these corner cases / additional requirements listed 
often leading to state when new <ind:textfilecontent54_object> OVAL check is 
from scratch, rather than from template.

The current state being in [1] we are discussing the possible form of such a 
template --
facing the need quickly to write dozen of simple OVAL checks checking some regex
in some file, OVAL template might seem handy. But the expectation is to have 
the templated
OVAL checks stable / unmodified across the SSG releases (so one day we could 
all those checks currently present in the repository with their dynamic 
during the SSG package build). On the other hand, any corner case 
dependency on another OVAL etc) is diverging from common template (assuming 
very basic
simple template). And therefore diverging from above approach (since in the 
the developer would end up writing such OVAL check from scratch just because 
the template
is too simple and could not help them to speed up the OVAL checks development, 
I am
not completely convinced it's worthy to investing the time into the design of 
a template and MAINLY into investing the time into keeping such a template in 

So I would say / IMHO the next step WRT to [1] would be to use the already 
"count_oval_objects.py" utility and determine how many (in % compared to the
whole count of <ind:textfilecontent54_object> OVAL checks already implemented
for that product) of the <ind:textfilecontent54_object> OVAL checks have the 
form, and how many (again in % compared to already having 
OVAL checks for that product) is derived from the basic form due some reason 
corner case).

Once we know this information, we can proceed further (if just to implement 
basic OVAL
template, or have more templates for each of the subtle different cases 
on another OVAL, using external variable etc.]).

Hope this helps.

Thank you && Regards, Jan
Jan iankko Lieskovsky / Red Hat Security Technologies Team

P.S.: There's SCAP Security Guide (SCAP content) dedicated mailing list too -->
      Cc'ed it too (so people can react to the topic).

> Thank you.
> Regards,
> Gautam.
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> Hi All,
> I tried searching the ssg project for a template that could find a pattern in 
> a given file. I feel this would be one of
> the most  used templates where we need to find if a file contains an 
> expression. This would be used for audit rules, sshd
> configuration, password complexity configuration, password aging 
> configuration, login configuration and probably many
> others. We could create a CSV as below:
> </path/to/file>,<regex to find>
> Is someone working on it or have it or any idea how to do it?
> Thanks and regards,
> Pravin Goyal
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