On 05/10/2016 12:25 PM, Dragos Prisaca wrote:
Thank you for the reply Daniel.
How do I verify if oscap was compiled with blkid support?

My installation seems to have support for partition test:
OpenSCAP will be compiled with the following settings:
=== probes ===
   partition:                   yes

Look for the following output from the configure script:

* Checking for blkid library used by:  partition
checking for blkid... yes
checking for blkid_get_cache... yes
checking for blkid_get_tag_value... yes

If you don't see the same output, then you probably don't have the libblkid-devel package installed on the system where you compile openscap.

Daniel Kopeček
Software Engineer, Special Projects
Red Hat, Inc.

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