Hello Jason,

On 23.2.2018 15:13, Donald, Jason E wrote:


I need some insight on the following:

I installed OSCAP on my RHEL7 VM’s. I ran the scan and stored a local copy of the scan results. The RHEL7 results do not import into STIGviewer. So, I looked up this issue on the OpenSCAP User manual. In Section 2.3.5, it provided some guidance and followed it. However, I’m still receiving an email saying the stig-rhel7-disa does not exist.

I know it does exist b/c I was able to search and find it in the command line. Need to help to mitigate this error.



the ability of the scanner to generate results that can be imported into the STIG viewer has been introduced in oscap 1.2.16 and in upstream Scap Security Guide 0.1.37. It may be that you have an older version. This functionality is not available by in RHEL 7.4, but you will get it in RHEL 7.5.

In order to help you more, we need to see your command-line that you use when you invoke oscap. Moreover, you mentioned getting an e-mail that looks like it is complaining about a missing profile, which puzzles me. I would imagine running oscap locally or via oscap-ssh, when no e-mails are involved in such case.

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