Trying to minimize the number of includes to put in the dkms build tree I'm 
trying to create, I've found that there are 2 hgfs.h , 2 block.h and 2 stubs.h 
includes that are identical except for the top comment (tipicaly the license). 
Is it normal?

modules/linux/vmhgfs/hgfs.h is GPL v2
lib/include/hgfs.h is LGPL v2.1

modules/linux/vmblock/linux/block.h is GPL v2
vmblock-fuse/block.h is LGPL v2.1

modules/linux/vmblock/linux/stubs.h is GPL v2
vmblock-fuse/stubs.h is LGPL v2.1

Aside that, they are strictly identical...

        Olivier LAHAYE
        CEA Saclay

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