* Enric Font [2004-11-02 18:00:32 +0100]:
> This instructions are taken from
> http://www.openafs.org/pages/doc/QuickStartUnix/auqbg005.htm#HDRWQ50

That documentation may need revising. In any case, Debian users ought to
take a look at /usr/share/doc/openafs-*/ for distribution-specific guidance.
I mentioned /usr/sbin/afs-newcell; you can either trust it blindly and run
it, or use it as documentation, read it and ponder.

> > > (I didn't have internal DNS in my net. Is
> > necessary?)
> > 
> > For setting up the servers, it's enough to have the
> > information in
> > /etc/hosts. But it doesn't hurt to get the DNS
> > correctly set up first.
> What do you thing that I have to have in /etc/hosts?
> Now I have the name of the machine like:
>       localhost       namemach      
> namemach.enllac.com

And what are you going to have in CellServDB ? I believe you're asking
for trouble if the gethost*() and the CellServDB views of things don't
match. AFS is a network file system, so I'm pretty sure that
is not going to be a useful address for your server.
> I only need AFS to share files in a server cluster...
> is needed to user Kerberos or something like this? The
> theory says that the cluster has to be secure, then a
> simple autentication could be enough..

AFS authentication is Kerberos-based. (Originally Kerberos 4, but that's
obsolete. Might be OK for a closed cluster, though.) If you want No File
Security, you should be using NFS. It may well give you better performance,
too, although a lot depends on the size of the cluster and the I/O
patterns you'll be dealing with.

You can of course use IP-based ACLs (or even a horror like 
"system:anyuser rwlidka"), but you do need at least a keyfile and a few
PTS database entries. Anyway, you did ask where the kaserver was.

[I see I'll have to cc: the list on this one. Sometimes I avoid it,
since my posts to the list have to go through the moderator, which
results in unpredictable delays.]
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