Am Mittwoch, 12. März 2008 schrieb ext Ralf Hornik (Mailings):

> After salvaging (bos salvage server daten) the Volume (daten) now is
> completely unusable:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ls -al /afs/.daheim/daten/
> insgesamt 4
> drwxrwxrwx 4 root root 2048 2008-03-12 13:31 .
> drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 2048 2008-03-12 13:09 ..
> ?--------- ? ?    ?       ?                ? /afs/.daheim/daten/Downloads
> ?--------- ? ?    ?       ?                ? /afs/.daheim/daten/Programme
> "Downloads" and "Programme" are subfolders of volume "daten" with files
> in it.
> This files also seem to be there in /vicepa/AFSIDat/*
> However /vicepa is also an ecryptfs and it may be causing trouble, but
> what exactly failes? May be I can fix it...

Hmm, I wonder if this really is a salvager problem. Did you compile with GCC 
4.2.x? If yes, try recompiling with 4.1.x. See


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