in our cell we had the same problem long ago and we were able to
  repair the situation in the way that was described at the Openafs
Best Practices Workshop 2005:

No idea at that time (nor now!) of how the problem was originated!


Torbjörn Moa wrote:
On 09/19/2011 04:48 PM, Andrew Deason wrote:
On Mon, 19 Sep 2011 16:33:06 +0200
Torbjörn Moa <> wrote:

[root@sysafs2 ~]# vos create sysafs2 /vicepa testatest
Volume 2620303136 created on partition /vicepa of sysafs2

[root@sysafs2 ~]# vos examine testatest
Could not fetch the information about volume 2620303136 from the server
: No such device
Volume does not exist on server as indicated by the VLDB
What version? Some things used to have problems with volume IDs over
2147483648 but I thought we've fixed them all by now.

On this particular node we run 1.4.6, but it varies between servers.

Note the big diff in volume id's. The id's starting with 536 are
normal for my cell, the 2620... I have never seen before.
Something bumped the "max volume id" counter in the vldb by a large
number. This could happen in many different ways... unfortuntely, if you
don't have the logging level turned up in the vlserver or have audit
logs turned on, it's going to be difficult to determine what did it. Do
you run any kind of periodic checking for consistency of volumes vs vldb
or anything like that?

Hmmm, yes we do. We have a nagios check running on all servers that does
a "vos syncserv "$server" -d" and "vos syncvldb "$server" -dryrun"
periodically. I guess you are implying I shouldn't do that...

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