On 2011-12-30 13:39, Lars Schimmer wrote:

Now I had a look into my logs and I found:

12/30/2011 11:01:43 STARTING AFS SALVAGER 2.4 (/usr/lib/openafs/salvager
/vicepc 1702193053)
12/30/2011 11:01:44 SYNC_ask: protocol mismatch on circuit 'FSSYNC';
make sure fileserver, volserver, salvageserver and salvager are same
12/30/2011 11:01:44 FSYNC_askfs: fatal FSSYNC protocol error; volume
management functionality disabled until next fileserver restart

(it happens on ALL servers with 1.6.0-3 and 1.6.1~pre1-1).

Ok, I mixed a bit. Sorry.
Looks like it is fixed in the pre1 package.

Thank you.

Lars Schimmer

Lars Schimmer
TU Graz, Institut für ComputerGraphik & WissensVisualisierung
Tel: +43 316 873-5405       E-Mail: l.schim...@cgv.tugraz.at
Fax: +43 316 873-5402       PGP-Key-ID: 0x4A9B1723
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