On 1/10/13 11:14 PM, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
You can shutdown the file servers without shutting down the
database servers.  During the outage the database servers
may lose the ability to elect a master.  Therefore you should
avoid making any database changes during the outage window.

I should have added that the database servers are all on a
single network switch, so unless something goes REALLY wrong
they won't lose contact with each other.  I can't imagine we
would be making any database changes.  I'm just hoping to
survive the upgrade.

I would run one file server with a single local disk partition
containing a readonly site for the root.afs and root.cell volumes.
This could be on one of the database servers.

Hmm.  Clever idea!

I would shutdown any file server with network attached storage
for the length of the outage window.

I would also place a README file in the root.cell root directory
describe the outage for those that might check.

If you are going to shutdown the database servers.  Shut them
down after the fileservers and restart them before the file
> servers.

Jeffrey Altman

Thanks for the quick answers!
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