On 9/23/2013 9:13 AM, Richter, Michael wrote:
> Hi,
> we had problems with OpenAFS 1.6.1 crashing on a Windows XP workstation.
> Eventlog said:
> -          OpenAFS Stopping due to error (cm_scache.c:787):

This bug is fixed in 1.7.

> So I tried to switch to OpenAFS 1.7.26. But now integrated login doesn’t
> work anymore.
> -          Integrated login failed: Cache Manager is not initialized /
> afsd is not running

One of two possibilities:

1. afsd_service.exe is not running at the time that winlogin.exe
executes the authentication provider but is running by the time the user
desktop is loaded.

2. pioctl operations on \\afs\all\_._afs_ioctl_._ are blocked for the
calling process from within winlogin.exe

> But afsd_service.exe is running and if I login with a local user, get a
> kerberos ticket and open \\afs <file:///\\afs>... path I have no problems.

All this indicates that is that by the time the user desktop is
displayed whatever is blocking the service from starting or blocking
pioctl path operations has completed.

OpenAFS has a dependency on the network stack and because it still
contains smb support has a dependency on the smb redirector.  Until the
dependencies are met the service will not start.

OpenAFS also has a dependency on the Windows Firewall service.

> Does someone know, what’s going wrong and how to fix it?

You have not provided enough information about the state of the system
to identify the root cause of the problem.

> It seems to be a problem with AFS cache!?

What do you mean by "AFS cache"?   If you are referring to the
%windir%\temp\AFSCache file, what leads you to that conclusion?

Jeffrey Altman

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