
I am trying OpenAFS, but it does not seem to be working correctly with 

I am attempting to install an OpenAFS server and client on the same machine 
(Ubuntu 13.10), using Samba4 as an AD controller with its built in Kerberos 
server. The server uses PowerBroker for authentication and kerberos. 

The steps I followed and documented as I went (from the Quickstart guide for 
Linux) are listed below. 

No matter what I do, I receive an error about an unknown key version number. 

root@ueafs1:/etc# bos listkeys ueafs1.ad.domain.com -localauth 
key 6 has cksum 1466094097 
Keys last changed on Tue Dec 31 21:06:31 2013. 
All done. 
root@ueafs1:/etc# bos listkeys ueafs1.ad.domain.com 
bos: ticket contained unknown key version number error encountered while 
listing keys 

The keytab appears to be fine, and shows the correct verision: 

root@ueafs1:/etc# /opt/pbis/bin/klist -k /etc/afs.keytab 
Keytab name: WRFILE:/etc/afs.keytab 
KVNO Principal 
---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
6 afs/ad.domain....@ad.domain.com 

What might I be missing? I've spent a solid 8 hours monkeying with this and 
making no progress. 

Thanks in advance. 

* Installation steps 

# Download Powerbroker and install 

sh ./pbis-open- 

# Join to domain 

domainjoin-cli join --ou 'All Computers/Servers' AD.DOMAIN.COM username 
/opt/pbis/bin/config UserDomainPrefix BRS 
/opt/pbis/bin/config AssumeDefaultDomain true 
/opt/pbis/bin/config HomeDirTemplate "%H/%U" 
/opt/pbis/bin/config LoginShellTemplate /bin/bash 

# Add OpenAFS repository 

add-apt-repository ppa:openafs/stable 
apt-get update 

# Set up 2nd volume in LVM 

apt-get install lvm2 

# Set options to be Linux LVM 
fdisk /dev/vxdf 

pvcreate /dev/xvdf1 
vgcreate vgafs /dev/xvdf1 
lvcreate -l 6399 -n vicepa vgafs 
mkdir /vicepa 
echo "/dev/vgafs/vicepa /vicepa ext4 defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab 
mount /vicepa 

# Install OpenAFS packages 
# Set cell name to match Kerberos Realm when prompted 
apt-get install libpam-openafs-kaserver openafs-client openafs-dbserver 
openafs-fileserver openafs-krb5 

# Stop OpenAFS processes and start BOS with -noauth 
/etc/init.d/openafs-fileserver stop 
/usr/sbin/bosserver -noauth 

# Edit /etc/openafs/CellServDB and add realm and server 

bos setcellname <servername> <cellname> -noauth 
bos listhosts <servername> -noauth 

# Ensure that proper IP address is in /etc/openafs/server/CellServDB, and not 

bos create ueafs1.ad.domain.com buserver simple /usr/lib/openafs/buserver 
bos create ueafs1.ad.domain.com ptserver simple /usr/lib/openafs/ptserver 
bos create ueafs1.ad.domain.com vlserver simple /usr/lib/openafs/vlserver 

# Create "afs" user in AD 

samba-tool spn add afs/ad.domain.com afs 
samba-tool domain exportkeytab /tmp/afs --principal=afs/ad.domain.com 

# Also tried from Windows using the following and copying the keytab: 
ktpass -princ afs/ad.domain....@ad.domain.com -mapuser a...@ad.domain.com 
-mapOp add -out keytab.afs +rndPass -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL +DumpSalt -crypto 

# Copy /tmp/afs from Samba (or from Windows) to OpenAFS server in 

/opt/pbis/bin/kinit administra...@ad.domain.com 
/opt/pbis/bin/kvno -k /etc/afs.keytab afs/ad.domain.com 
asetkey add 6 /etc/afs.keytab afs/ad.domain.com 
bos adduser ueafs1.ad.domain.com admin -noauth 
bos adduser ueafs1.ad.domain.com kpettijohn -noauth 
bos listkeys ueafs1.ad.domain.com -noauth 

# Kill bos and restart 

pkill bosserver 
/usr/sbin/bosserver -noauth 

# Initialize Protection Database 

pts createuser -name admin -noauth 
pts createuser -name kpettijohn -noauth 
pts adduser admin system:administrators -noauth 
pts adduser kpettijohn system:administrators -noauth 
pts membership admin -noauth 
bos restart ueafs1.ad.domain.com -all -noauth 

# Start file server processes 

bos create ueafs1.ad.domain.com fs fs /usr/lib/openafs/fileserver \ 
/usr/lib/openafs/volserver /usr/lib/openafs/salvager -noauth 
bos status ueafs1.ad.domain.com fs -long -noauth 

vos create ueafs1.ad.domain.com vicepa root.afs -noauth 

# Update server 

bos create ueafs1.ad.domain.com upserver simple "/usr/lib/openafs/upserver 
-crypt /etc/openafs" -noauth 

# Restart BOS server using packages 

pkill bosserver 
/etc/init.d/openafs-fileserver start 

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