Quoting Jaap Winius <jwin...@umrk.nl>:

  start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /run/zz/k5start-zz.pid \
    --chuid $USER:$GROUP --exec /usr/bin/k5start -- -b \
    -p /run/zz/k5start-zz.pid \
    -K 10 -l 24h -k /tmp/krb5cc_107 -o zz \
    -L -t -U -f /etc/krb5-zz.keytab \
    $($DAEMON $DAEMON_ARGS) || return 2

Actually, this doesn't work too well. I don't know why, but although it really did work for me earlier, now it only causes the daemon to start up without k5start, which seems a bit odd. I tried replacing "$($DAEMON $DAEMON_ARGS)" with "$DAEMON -- $DAEMON_ARGS" or "-- $DAEMON $DAEMON_ARGS", but both of those variations lead to the same result. Can anyone explain why that is?

In the mean time, I still get the most consistent results by using two separate start-stop-daemon invocations. I understand that this is not ideal, since now the script will start the long-term daemon even if k5start fails before it, but right now I don't have a better solution.


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