I was moving a very large volume last week in a ssh session and I stupidly
did not run the vos move command in tmux or screen and it timed out.

There were 2 copies of the volume when I came back. The one on the
destination server was "active" so I did a voz zap and everything came back
on line. But the space was never reclaimed. I moved the rest of the volumes
off the server and it shows no volumes there. But there is a directory


which contains 316G of "something"

Is it safe to delete this directory to bring the server back into service?
(As opposed to a re-install) Or all the directories under /vicepa/AFSIDat/ ?

gsgatlin@vaporware:~ ssh-session$ vos partinfo engr-f-200
Free space on partition /vicepa: 158233268 K blocks out of total 488735480
Free space on partition /vicepb: 488662856 K blocks out of total 488735480
gsgatlin@vaporware:~ ssh-session$ vos listvol engr-f-200
Total number of volumes on server engr-f-200 partition /vicepa: 0

Total volumes onLine 0 ; Total volumes offLine 0 ; Total busy 0

Total number of volumes on server engr-f-200 partition /vicepb: 0

Total volumes onLine 0 ; Total volumes offLine 0 ; Total busy 0

Thanks for any ideas anyone has.

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