Iam not sure. I dont know your kernel version.

Maybe the reason is the old afs client module version. There was a
problem with the splice kernel function since kernel 4.4 and backports.

We are using the openafs ppa repository
(https://launchpad.net/~openafs/+archive/ubuntu/stable) on Ubuntu below
Ubuntu 16.10 because this problem is solved in openafs >= 1.6.18 which
isnt part of Ubuntu repo. below 16.10.

I hope this help you.


> Some users at our site reports problems with downloading files
> directly to AFS (and this problem has existed for years).
> I'm now working to try to find the cause. Just to eliminate the
> server, we have moved the user's volume to our YFS server, but we
> experience exactly the same problem.
> I can't seem to reproduce it on my own machine (Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
> with openafs client 1.6.7-1ubuntu1.1).
> However, the machine where I have managed to reproduce the problem is
> a terminal server (with lots of users). It's a Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS with
> openafs version 1.6.1-1+ubuntu0.7.
> The AFS cache is set to:
> > cat /etc/openafs/cacheinfo
> /afs:/cache/openafs:5000000
> What happens is this:
> I run a wget (from siemens in this case, but probably not important).
> The wget either aborts at 70% or so, with a "Connection timed out",
> or, as happened for me just now:
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
> Length: 1983588866 (1,8G) [application/zip]
> Saving to: `nx-9.0.3.zip.1'
> 100%[====================================>] 1 983 588 866 17,7M/s   in
> 1m 50s
> utime(nx-9.0.3.zip.1): Connection timed out
> 2016-11-30 11:33:39 (17,3 MB/s) - `nx-9.0.3.zip.1' saved
> [1983588866/1983588866]
> So, the file downloaded 100% (to the AFS cache). Then there was a
> delay for some time before the error popped up (while flushing the
> cache, I would guess).
> If I look at the resulting file, I see that it's corrupt.
> Downloading to local disk first, and then copy to AFS seems to work
> every time.
> Does anyone recognize this problem?
> /Staffan

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