On Sun, Feb 04, 2018 at 05:21:16PM -0500, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> On 2/4/2018 7:29 AM, Jose M Calhariz wrote:
> > I am chasing the root problem in my infra-structure of afsdb and
> > afs-fileservers.  Sometimes my afsdb loses quorum in the middle of a
> > vos operation or the Linux clients time out talking to the
> > file servers.  To help diagnose the problem I would like to know how
> > long is the timeout and if I can change the time out connections in
> > the Debian clients and for the vos operations.
> >[...]
> > The core of my infra-structure are 4 afsdb running Debian 9, and using
> > OpenAFS from Debian 1.6.20, on a shared virtualization platform.  The
> > file-servers running Debian 9 and using OpenAFS from Debian, 1.6.20,
> > are VMs in dedicated hosts for OpenAFS on top of libvirt/KVM.
> Jose,


Thank you for your report.  I will read it with very much attention
this nigth and again tomorrow.  I am travelling from FOSDEM to home.

> Jeffrey Altman
> AuriStor, Inc.

> begin:vcard
> fn:Jeffrey Altman
> n:Altman;Jeffrey
> org:AuriStor, Inc.
> adr:Suite 6B;;255 West 94Th Street;New York;New York;10025-6985;United States
> email;internet:jalt...@auristor.com
> title:Founder and CEO
> tel;work:+1-212-769-9018
> note;quoted-printable:LinkedIn: 
> https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffreyaltman=0D=0A=
>       Skype: jeffrey.e.altman=0D=0A=
> url:https://www.auristor.com/
> version:2.1
> end:vcard

Kind regards
Jose M Calhariz


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