The PAG's now are now done via keyctl . The configure of at least

openafss- checks this , look for KEYCTL_SESSION_TO_PARENT around line 23282

But the generated Makefile in src/aklog does not include -lkeyutils , there i change to

   AKLIBS = -L/opt/krb5/lib -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err -lkrb5support -lkeyutils -lcrypt -lresolv

aklog -setpag then gets a token with a PAG (check with: keyctl show )

Best regards


On 06/01/18 04:58, Daria Phoebe Brashear wrote:

On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:39 AM, Stephan Wiesand < <>> wrote:

    Indeed. The SL packaging renames pagsh to pagsh.openafs  to avoid
    clashes with other software like heimdal providing it.

    Regarding aklog, I thought that -setpag was broken on Linux many
    years ago.

It was.

The ability to rewrite a parent's state (which is what aklog -setpag needs) doesn't work

Daria Phoebe Brashear
AuriStor, Inc <>

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