On Sat, 2009-06-20 at 11:51 -0700, Steven Dake wrote:
> I invite all of our contributors to help define the X.Y roadmap of both
> corosync and openais.  Please submit your ideas on this list.  Some
> examples of suggested ideas have been things like converting to libtool.
> Also new service engine ideas are highly welcome.  Keep ideas within a 1
> month - 3 year timeframe.
> I intend to publish the roadmap with the release of Corosync and OpenAIS
> 1.0.0.  Please submit your ideas by June 26, 2009 (friday).

I don't have a strict idea of deadlines but here are some ideas (some we
discussed together):

- logsys flight recorder performance needs improvement

- logsysfplay library / API to read flight recorder data and write
corosync-fplay equivalents without too much effort

- integration of .spec files and debian/ into upstream to allow people
to easily build rpm/deb.

- more portable init script (we know upfront that init scripts are
delicate but we can make an effort to make it at least working
cross-distro.. cross OS i am not sure yet).

- switch the code to use OS based features rather than the BUILD_FOO
version we have now (it's ugly and it should die).

- I think a "dream" service would be replicated/syncronized objdb data
or part of it (except local data objects that are unique to the node).
Use case:

fooconfig {

add_replication_tracker(&objdb, "fooconfig);

if one node changes fooconfig, then the info is replicated across the
cluster and users notified by objdb config reload.

A similar service is also provided by CIM in pacemaker, so not 100% sure
it's worth having it so low in the code base.


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