On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 5:36 PM, Dietmar Maurer <diet...@proxmox.com> wrote:
> Hi all, I just found a whitepaper from XenServer - seem they implement some
> kind of self-fencing:
> -----text from XenServer High Availability Whitepaper-------
> The worst-case scenario for HA is the situation where a host is thought to be 
> off-line but is actually
> still writing to the shared storage, because this can result in corruption of 
> persistent data. To
> prevent this situation without requiring active power strip controls, 
> XenServer employs
> hypervisor-level fencing. This is a Xen modification which hard-powers off 
> the host at a very
> low-level if it does not hear regularly from a watchdog process running in 
> the control domain.
> Because it is implemented at a very low-level, this also protects the storage 
> in the case where the
> control domain becomes unresponsive for some reason.
> --------------
> Does that really make sense? That seem to be a very unreliable solution,
> because there is no guarantee that a failed node 'self-fence' itself? Or
> do I miss something?

Do you trust a host, that has already failed in some way, to now start
behaving correctly and fence itself?  I wouldn't.
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