Hi all,

I was testing the corosync cluster engine by using the testcpg exec provided
along with the release. I am getting the below behaviour
while testing some specific scenarios. Kindly comment on the expected

1)   3 Node cluster


    a) suppose I bring the nodes 1&2 up, it will form a ring (1,2)
    b) now bring up 3
    c) 3 sends join which restarts the membership process
    d) (1,2) again forms the ring , 3 forms self cluster
    e) now 3 sends a join (due to join or other timeout)
    f) again membership protocol is started as 2 responds to this by going
to gather state ( i believe 2 should not accept this as 2 would have earlier
decided that 3 is failed)

    I am seeing a continuous loop of the above behaviour  ( operational ->
membership -> operational -> ) due to which the cluster is not becoming

2)   3 Node Cluster


     a) bring up all the three nodes at the same time (None of the nodes
have seen each other before this)
     b) Now each node forms a cluster by itself .. (Here i think it should
from either a (1,2) or (2,3) ring )

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