

I'm trying to setup a pacemaker/corosync on Ubuntu Trusty to access a
SAN to use with OpenNebula[1]:

- pacemaker .1.10+git20130802-1ubuntu2.1
- corosync 2.3.3-1ubuntu1

I have a dedicated VLAN for cluster communications.

Each bare metal node have a dedicated interface eth0 on that VLAN, 3
other interfaces are used as a bond0 integrated to an Open vSwtich as
VLAN trunk.

One VM have two interfaces on this Open vSwitch:

- one for cluster communication
- one to provide services, with default route on it

My 3 bare metal nodes are OK, with pacemaker up running dlm/cLVM/GFS2,
but my VM is always isolated.

I setup a dedicated quorum (standby=on) VM with a single interface
plugged to the cluster communication VLAN and it works

I run ssmping to debug multicast communication and found that the VM can
only make unicast ping to the bare metal nodes.

I finish by adding a route for multicast:

     ip route add dev eth1 src

But it does not work.

I only manage to have my VM as corosync member like others when default
the route is on the same interface as my multicast traffic.

I'm sure there is something I do not understand in corosync and
multicast communication, do you have any hints?

Please consider using UDPU mode, then no multicast is used (so should solve your problem).

If you want to stay with multicast, there are plenty problems you may be affected with.

- Default ttl for multicast is 1, so if you are using routing, you should increase is (in corosync.conf it's totem.interface.ttl option. For debugging, you can try omping, because omping has ttl set to 64. - Most routers/clever switches blocks multicast/don't allow multicast routing. I don't know exact vSwitch behavior, but Linux kernel has mc_forwarding sysctl option, which may be needed for multicast routing. - static route shouldn't be needed. This is why switch implements multicast span tree.



[1]  http://opennebula.org/

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