Hi Craig,

>From what you say, it sounds like this is a better discussion for the
OpenSMILES list. My intention is to match existing usage and what I
believe to be Daylight usage. Let's have this discussion over there,
and can clarify the spec either way depending on the outcome.

- Noel

On 2 March 2017 at 19:34, Craig James <cja...@emolecules.com> wrote:
> Hi Noel,
> On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 10:11 AM, Noel O'Boyle <baoille...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In the course of sorting out the handling of implicit Hs, I've found
>> that the current SMILES writer writes hypervalent atoms from the
>> organic subset in square brackets. E.g. Texas carbons:
>> >obabel -:C(C)(C)(C)(C)C -osmi
>> [C](C)(C)(C)(C)C
>> or "FIF" as "F[I]F".
>> This is unusual behaviour compared to other toolkits and I think lack
>> of brackets are preferred where possible, so I've changed this (on my
>> branch). If this is an issue for anyone, now's the time to duke it
>> out.
> Well, "FIF" violates the OpenSMILES spec in section 3.1.5, which states that
> the "organic subset" are only allowed outside of brackets if they're in
> their normal lowest-valence state. Actually, now that I read it, it's not
> well written and has room for (mis)interpretation. The phrase that I think
> applies in OpenSMILES is:
> An atom is specified [without brackets] has the following properties:
> "implicit hydrogens" are added such that valence of the atom is in the
> lowest normal state for that element
> You might argue from this that since you don't have to add any hydrogens,
> it's clear what it means. But someone else might say, "you have to add
> charge to balance it."
> Daylight's page is more clear. It says:
> ... the "organic subset" B, C, N, O, P, S, F, Cl, Br, and I may be written
> without brackets if the number of attached hydrogens conforms to the lowest
> normal valence consistent with explicit bonds.
> If you can say, "It's obvious ...", and this is a feature everyone would
> like, then the OpenSMILES spec could be changed.
> Craig
>> - Noel
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