On 2021-06-08 15:42, David Koes wrote:
Hi Madeleine,

It sounds like you have a really excellent set of test structures.  It
would be fantastic if you could contribute these to the testing

We would be happy to do that, but maybe you can give a suggestion on
where in the testing framework? Or should we just add a new python
script there with in and output data?

FYI, we have made quite a few fixes already that likely are of interest
to others:
 % git diff master:data/bondtyp.txt data/bondtyp.txt | wc
     128     784    4532

David Koes

Associate Professor
Computational & Systems Biology
University of Pittsburgh

On 6/8/21 8:15 AM, Marie-Madeleine Walz wrote:
Hi David,

thank you for your advice regarding using AssignTotalChargeToAtoms.
Adding it resulted in less errors in the bond order assignment.
Unfortunately, it did not remove e.g. the error with sulfite (SO3^2-)
that is still getting three double bonds.

Another issue is that some of the small rings (e.g. thiirene, C2H2S)
are not recognised as rings.
This is really confusing as the coordinates fullfil the requirement
set in mol.cpp, ConnectTheDots(), lines 3027-3028:

// bonded if closer than elemental Rcov + tolerance
             cutoff = SQUARE(rad[j] + rad[k] + 0.45);

If you have any advice I would really appreciate it.

With kind regards,

OpenBabel-Devel mailing list

David van der Spoel, Ph.D.,
Professor of Computational Molecular Biophysics
Uppsala University.

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