On 09/11/2010 13:53, Andrew Dalke wrote:
> I am willing to write documentation about this, about the list
> of available plugins, the MACCS fingerprints, and how to handle
> new fingerprint plugins.


> I am also willing to write tests which cover these.

Even better!
>> I'll try to output the number of bits  and the data file
>> version (if applicable) in the second line of the description.

The trunk code now does this, but I modified it today so that it 
happens for PatternFP fingerprints only if a fingerprint has already 
been used, which parses the datafile. Fingerprint datafiles were being 
parsed at startup even when fingerprints were never going to be used, 
which is undesirable.

The proper (less-hacky) way is to add virtual functions of 
OBFingerprint to access number of bits and version, but this would 
break the binary compatibility of the API, which is not appropriate 
for a minor version release (2.3.1 which I think we will need).


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