On 06/07/2013 01:45 PM, Craig James wrote:

> ...  The CML project is one such (you might
> want to look at it for ideas), but it never got traction.

XML is bad at tabular data. A table of x, y, x coordinates in properly
formatted xml is at least twice as many bytes ("<x>123.456</x>" uses as
many bytes for markup as for the value).

So projects like cml try to get around that by encoding values in
attributes -- about the #1 on how not to design your dtd list. The
problem is that only scales to a few dozen rows. Once you get to 10^6
molecules of 10^3 atoms, it doesn't scale either.

So it doesn't get widely adopted. Instead others do one worse and create
xml where tables are stuffed into #CDATA. Which means "a bunch of bytes
with whose meaning and structure was known to the postdoc who went back
to China three years ago".

  Maybe JSON, with
> its widespread use and readily-available software, is just the thing.

JSON comes with less markup overhead, that's one of the reasons it's
seeing more use. The downside is exactly as you said -- too many (read
no) standards. The advantage of xml is the dtd: a valid xml document
tells you what the elements mean. All json tells you is array,
associative array, string, number, boolean.

Dimitri Maziuk
BioMagResBank, UW-Madison -- http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu

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