It is a bit of a hack, but for certain applications where I know it is
likely fine, I use networkx to do subgraph isomorphism while considering
only the elements and not looking at the order of the bonds. I can
trivially draw a molecule where this does the wrong thing, but the majority
of the time, it does the right thing.

For the system you are discussing, here's an example using the attached

$ ./ 1PE_model.sdf 1kf6_1pe.pdb
[{0: 0,
  1: 1,
  2: 2,
  3: 3,
  4: 4,
  5: 5,
  6: 6,
  7: 7,
  8: 8,
  9: 9,
  10: 10,
  11: 11,
  12: 12,
  13: 13,
  14: 14,
  15: 15},
 {0: 15,
  1: 13,
  2: 14,
  3: 12,
  4: 11,
  5: 10,
  6: 9,
  7: 8,
  8: 7,
  9: 6,
  10: 5,
  11: 4,
  12: 3,
  13: 1,
  14: 2,
  15: 0}]

Since 1PE is symmetric, it outputs the forward ordering of the 1st -> 1st,
2nd -> 2nd, etc. and reverse ordering of 1st->16th, 2nd  -> 15th.

Hopefully the attached script gives an idea of how to incorporate this idea
into your code.

On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 4:51 PM, Sam Tonddast-Navaei <>

> I am trying to read a small molecule from PDB file and match its atom
> numbers to the same molecule in a SDF file. I have tried both matching
> SMART patterns and using OBIsomorphismMapper, both work for 70% of cases.
> However there are cases for which OpenBabel can not simply get the right
> SMILES from just the PDB file (e.g.  adds extra double bonds or miss ones). 
> For
> example in PDB ID 1KF6 and ligand name IPE, if you generate SMILES from PDB
> you will get OCCO/C=C/OCCO/C=C/O/C=C/O while the correct one should be
> OCCOCCOCCOCCOCCO. I would appreciate if someone can give me some advise on
> this.
> Thanks,
> Sam
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2016 Acpharis Inc, All Rights Reserved
import pprint
import networkx
from networkx.algorithms import isomorphism
import argparse
import pybel
import openbabel

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()

mol1 = pybel.readfile('sdf', args.sdf).next()
mol2 = pybel.readfile('pdb', args.pdb).next()

G1 = networkx.Graph()
G2 = networkx.Graph()

for index, atom in enumerate(mol1):
    G1.add_node(index, type=atom.atomicnum)

for bond in openbabel.OBMolBondIter(mol1.OBMol):
    G1.add_edge(bond.GetBeginAtomIdx()-1, bond.GetEndAtomIdx()-1)

for index, atom in enumerate(mol2):
    G2.add_node(index, type=atom.atomicnum)

for bond in openbabel.OBMolBondIter(mol2.OBMol):
    G2.add_edge(bond.GetBeginAtomIdx()-1, bond.GetEndAtomIdx()-1)

class GraphMatcherLocal(isomorphism.GraphMatcher):
    def semantic_feasibility(self, G1_node, G2_node):
        return self.G1.node[G1_node]['type'] == self.G2.node[G2_node]['type']

GM = GraphMatcherLocal(G1, G2)
gen_isms = GM.subgraph_isomorphisms_iter()

# networkx gives us a generator, we need a list that we can iterate over
# multiple times
isms = []
for ism in gen_isms:

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