Thanks Noel, got it working.  However, I am using the following molecule as a 
use case “"CCOc1nc2c(n1Cc1ccc(cc1)c1ccccc1c1n[nH]nn1)c(ccc2)C(=O)O”, and its 
fitted 3D coordinates (MMFF94) change slightly whenever they are fitted.  Would 
lowering the convergence criteria for steepest descent (i.e., 0.0001) or 
increasing the rotors from 25 make the fits more robust, or is it a fact of 
life that the coordinates can change from fit to fit?   The #iters and 
conjugate gradient convergence look okay. 


pFF->SteepestDescent(250, 0.0001)

pFF->WeightedRotorSearch(200, 25)

pFF->ConjugateGradients(250, 0.000001)



Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 7:50 AM, Noel O'Boyle<> wrote:   
You need to check the return values of your functions or you will have 
segfaults left, right and center. For example, the return value of 
SetInAndOutFormats() and ReadString(). Also, check the value of gen3d in your 
debugger. It may be a NULL pointer if FindType failed.

- Noel

On 19 July 2018 at 15:30, Leif Peterson <> wrote:

Using the .NET code below to generate 3D coordinates from a SMILES, Visual 
Studio 15 simply exits the run-time.  Thus, some type of an exception is being 
thrown, which indicates gen3d may be a python or java method/function?  Is 
there an Imports that perhaps needs to be used to allow gen3d to run.  

   Dim OBConv2 As New OBConver sion()

   OBConv2.SetInAndOutFormats(" smi", "sdf")

   Dim Mol2 As New OBMol()

   OBConv2.ReadString(Mol2, "C( Cl)(=O)CCC(=O)Cl")

   Dim gen3d As OBOp = OBOp. FindType("Gen3D")


   MsgBox(OBConv2.WriteString( Mol2))


FYI, when I don’t use gen3d and OBOp, but rather a conversion from SMILES to 
xyz format, all of the coordinates are zero. 

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