On 12/23/18 2:52 PM, Spencer Trinh wrote:

> output=pybel.Outputfile('svg',filename='testsvg.svg',opt={'u':None,'C':None})
> for name,mol in mols.items():
> mol.removeh()
> mol.title=name
> output.write(mol)
> output.close()


Although it’s possible to write a single molecule to a file by calling
the write() method of a Molecule, if multiple molecules are to be
written to the same file you should use the Outputfile class.

Conversely, to write a single molecule:
Write the molecule to a file or return a string.

svg = mol.write( format = "svg",
                 opt = { "a" : None, "b" : "none", "i" : None } )

However, laying multiple images out on a grid is a different question. I
would recommend re-posting your question with a better subject, like
"how to draw multiple SVGs on a grid".

Merry Christmas,
Dimitri Maziuk
BioMagResBank, UW-Madison -- http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu

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