> This gives me a pybel molecule.
> I was wondering if it is possible to turn this into an OBMol object? 

Yes. You can get an OBMol object as an attribute from Pybel molecules like this:


> The 3d coordinates for each atom is provided in the xyz file. I want to use 
> that and get force filed constants (e.g. stretching force constant, natural 
> length) to calculate potential functions (e.g. bond stretching). But it seems 
> that the only available way to get atom coordinates from the molecule is to 
> use make3D, which optimizes these functions rather than giving me what it 
> reads from the xyz file. Is there a way to get the coordinates through the 
> molecule object (or OBMol object, depending on the answer to first question).

Atoms have multiple attributes like coords:

> How can I get the force field constants for each atom? (e.g. equivalent of 
> GetUFFBondStretchParams from RDKit)

There is, at the moment, no API to get the force field parameters from atoms. 
Suggestions are welcome.

Hope that helps,
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