
I have a related bug. Just downloaded OpenBabel-3.0.0-x86.exe from GitHub
but it was generating corrdinates with too many digits. Excerpt from PDBQT
file overflowing the coords mask:

ATOM      1  N   UNL     1    2261608.7291334600.251   0.000  0.00  0.00
>  +0.000 NA

The command line was:

 "C:/Program Files/OpenBabel-3.0.0/obabel.exe" -i smi - -ph 7.0 --gen3d -O
> "C:/Users/Pedro/Downloads/output/ligands/1.pdbqt"

The manual says the following in the "Whats new" section of version 1.100.0:

Coordinates now use double-precision floating point libraries for greater
> accuracy in conversions.

Avoid round errors are other reason to have many digits. But how can I
avoid the mask overflow?

(It is my first mail here but I don't know how to reply to a previously
started discussion)

Best Regards,

On 9/21/2019 11:28 AM, Geoffrey Hutchison wrote:
> On the other hand, not every file format supports arbitrary precision
> (e.g., 8 decimals or more) - there's not much that babel can do about that,
> except by suggesting other formats with better suitability.
> OTGH I've seen lots of numbers printed to 4 decimal digits by various
> C(++) programs simply because the %.4f mask is fixed and/or it aligns
> nicely in tables, with no indication if that level of precision is actually
> meaningful. Trailing zeroes in particular.
> Dimitri
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Pedro Sousa Lacerda

Laboratório de Bioinformática e Modelagem Molecular
Faculdade de Farmácia / UFBA

+55 71 9 9981-1856
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