On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 02:52:55PM +0000, Sandi Suhendro wrote:
> Dear Neels,
> What i mean is 3G hardware is using nano3G only? Or need to combine with
> sysmoBTS (maybe can replace with SDR)
> If you only need nano3G to build the network, so my question is nano3G also
> as a transceiver?

Wow, that's a wild mix m(

I'd appreciate if you could read up on the basic concepts before using our
time. Consider: these answers are for free to you, but they cost us time and
actually real money. We'll do it any time for *useful* requests. Thanks!  I
mean, you've been camping the community for long enough to know where all the
information can be found.

The sysmoBTS is a complete 2G base station, piece of hardware. It has an
ethernet plug to feed Abis/GPRS-NS and you get a 2G cell on the air "at the
other end".

The nano3G is a complete 3G base station, piece of hardware, aka hNodeB aka
femto cell. It has an ethernet plug to feed Iuh and you get a 3G cell on the
air "at the other end".

These two are completely separate and utterly unrelated, and they cannot be
plugged into each other in a useful way, besides operating them with a core
network that is able to serve both technologies at the same time.



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