I am not very familiar with DTX, so I may have some of these wrong:

In practice, I guess one way is to either have DTX support everywhere, or
disable DTX support everywhere?

At the CCC congress, we had a transcoding step between GSM and the phone
operating center. Makes me wonder, the DL voice probably never saw DTX, because
I doubt the conversion from "plain audio" to our GSM codec would feature DTX?

I'm also thinking, the ability to do DTX maybe should also be a part of SDP
codec negotiation? i.e. enable DTX only when both call legs support it? I
wonder if there is a fmtp parameter for DTX, or maybe we should invent one.

I haven't thought about this before, so details are welcome.

*TLDR mode: enable*

On another note: Mychaela, if I may ask you, please, to help us communicate,
try to write less text to say the same things. It is in your interest and an
important part of community netiquette to make it easy for others to respond to
your messages. Aim for writing a technical "TL;DR" section instead of a text
flow. It may take more time and it may hurt a bit to edit things out, but it
is worth it N times over, N being the number of readers. Thanks!

"If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter."
  -- Blaise Pascal, but in French, 1657


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