PS: As an example, when I try to copy a directory with mp3 files in it, I get

$cp -r ./a_tickle_in_the_heart_mp3/ /home/pau/
cp: a_tickle_in_the_heart_mp3/bei_mir_bistu_sheyn.mp3: Invalid argument
cp: a_tickle_in_the_heart_mp3/chossn_kalah_mazel_tov.mp3: Invalid argument
cp: a_tickle_in_the_heart_mp3/blessing_nigun.mp3: Invalid argument
cp: a_tickle_in_the_heart_mp3/chassidic_dance.mp3: Invalid argument
cp: a_tickle_in_the_heart_mp3/rosinkess_mit_mandlen.mp3: Invalid argument
cp: a_tickle_in_the_heart_mp3/dance_of_the_souls.mp3: Invalid argument
cp: a_tickle_in_the_heart_mp3/sweet_georgia_yiddelekh.mp3: Invalid argument
cp: a_tickle_in_the_heart_mp3/sammys_freylekh.mp3: Invalid argument
cp: a_tickle_in_the_heart_mp3/the_klezmers_freylekh.mp3: Invalid argument

And then, in /home/pau I have this:

$ file *
515ov4NbvCL.jpg:             JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01
bei_mir_bistu_sheyn.mp3:     empty
blessing_nigun.mp3:          empty
caravan.mp3:                 Audio file with ID3 version 2.3, MP3 encoding
chassidic_dance.mp3:         empty
chossn_kalah_mazel_tov.mp3:  empty
dance_of_the_souls.mp3:      empty
ershter_waltz.mp3:           Audio file with ID3 version 2.3, MP3 encoding
i_got_rythm.mp3:             Audio file with ID3 version 2.3, MP3 encoding
lebedik_un_freylekh.mp3:     Audio file with ID3 version 2.3, MP3 encoding
miserlou.mp3:                Audio file with ID3 version 2.3, MP3 encoding
original_charleston.mp3:     Audio file with ID3 version 2.3, MP3 encoding
rosinkess_mit_mandlen.mp3:   empty
sammys_freylekh.mp3:         empty
summertime.mp3:              Audio file with ID3 version 2.3, MP3 encoding
sweet_georgia_yiddelekh.mp3: empty
the_klezmers_freylekh.mp3:   empty
wedding_waltz__bulgar.mp3:   Audio file with ID3 version 2.3, MP3 encoding

Meaning that some got copied, others not.

The encoding is the same, the sizes about the same.

I have this problem using obsd 5.9 (not sure about previous versions)
and USB2 and USB3


2016-04-17 11:49 GMT+02:00 Pau Amaro-Seoane <>:
> Hello:
> I am moving files from an EXT2 formatted drive to my openbsd and I get
> this error when copying from the ext2 drive to my laptop:
> read error: Invalid argument
> I mounted it with mount -t ext2fs /dev/sdbi /mnt
> The files are videos and some of them can be copied, and others not. I
> cannot see a pattern.
> Other programs such as "file" or "du" dump when run on the same files
> on the ext2 drive.
> When trying to open the dir with the xfce4 files browser tool, it
> crashes as well.
> This is openbsd 5.9 on amd64 withy 8G RAM.
> Any idea?
> thanks,
> Pau
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