The man page for smtpd.conf(5) says that a alias table can be used to look up 
alternate destinations for all addresses. It further refers to table(5) for the 
format of different tables that can be used. The man page for table(5), in the 
section titled "Aliasing tables", says the format of the file for aliasing 
tables should be

user1 otheruser
user2 otheryser1,otheruser2

Where the key is the first entry in each line and the value is from one of the 
recipients in aliases(5). 

The man page for aliases(5) describes the format of the aliases file, as used 
by smtpd. A file of the described format can be used to assign an arbitrary 
name to a email  or group of email addresses.

My question is - if aliases are specified in /etc/mail/aliases for smtpd what 
is the purpose of creating additional alias tables files for smtpd.conf ?


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