On 06/01/2017 04:59 PM, Shujing Ke wrote:
Oh, another question: is to mine patterns that contains at least one ExecutionOutputLink, or to mine patterns that only contains ExecutionOutputLinks and the Links inside ExecutionOutputLinks?

I'd say all of them, at any depth. The corpus I gave you is not gonna contain any useful pattern anyway, it's just an exercise at this point.


On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 3:52 PM, Shujing Ke <shujin...@gmail.com <mailto:shujin...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    OK, I will try to mine EOLs first. Thanks : )


    On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 7:25 AM, Nil Geisweiller
    <ngeis...@googlemail.com <mailto:ngeis...@googlemail.com>> wrote:


        On 06/01/2017 01:32 AM, Shujing Ke wrote:

            Hi, Nil and Ben,

            I studied the corpus. Is each BindLink one instance of
            inference? So


            that each BindLink should be considered as primitve / atomic
            -  one pattern should be one BindLink; any Links inside a
            BindLink should not be mined separatly, right? For example,

        No they can and should be mined separately as well. Specifically
        what we are interested in are the structures of
        ExecutionOutputLink (EOL). The third argument of an inference
        BindLink is systematically gonna be an EOL wrapping other EOLs,
        and we are mostly interested in mining these EOLs. But
        ultimately mining the whole BindLink might be useful too. We may
        want to do both, but for starter only mine patterns with an EOL
        as root link.

                      (VariableNode "$X")
                      (PatternVariableNode "var1")
                      (VariableNode "$X")
                      (VariableNode "$B-6266d6f2")
                      (VariableNode "$B-6266d6f2")
                      (PatternVariableNode "var1")

            This is a pattern that may be mined by patten miner from the
            PLN corpus under a general purpose. But it is not that kind
            of expected patterns as descriped in

            Actually, the particular goal here is not to mine any
            connected patterns freely, it is to mine a particular type
            of patterns - abstraction  of BindLinks of the same
            structures. If two BindLinks have different structures, even
            they share one or several Nodes, patterns still should not
            be extracted from them. For example,

                       (NodeType_a "someNode1")
                       (NodeType_b "someNode2")
                       (NodeType_c "someNode3")
                             (NodeType_c "someNode3")
                             (NodeType_d "someNode4")

                       (NodeType_a "someNode1")
                       (NodeType_e "someNode5)
                       (NodeType_e "someNode5")
                       (NodeType_f  "someNode6")

            This two BindLinks share the same Node (NodeType_a
            "someNode1"),  a common pattern of   (LinkTypeA) can be
            extracted for mining general patterns, but these two
            BindLinks have different structures - the first BindLink
            contains a LinkTypeA , a LinkTypeB and a LinkTypeC; the
            second BindLink contains a LinkTypeA and a LinkTypeD. So
            despite the ultimate goal of AGI, to learning this type of
            patterns more effectively, it's better to find all the
            BindLinks with same structures, and then apply some kind of
            induction learning algorithm on them. What do you think?

        No we want to extract patterns across BindLinks (or EOLs) that
        have different structures, what I believe the pattern miner is
        good at, right?


            But I will still give it a try with Pattern Miner.

            On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 4:06 PM, Nil Geisweiller
            <ngeis...@googlemail.com <mailto:ngeis...@googlemail.com>
            <mailto:ngeis...@googlemail.com>>> wrote:


                 I've corrected the inferences (note that ExecutionLink
            are actually
                 ExecutionOutputLink because the "inference trails" are
                 inferences to be executed rather than records).

                 Also I've attached a file with ~500 inferences obtained
            from running
                 the BackwardChainerUTest, can generate many more if needed.


                 On 05/21/2017 06:17 PM, Ben Goertzel wrote:


                     I wrote down our two sketchy examples of patterns
            to be mined
                     from PLN
                     inference patterns, from our F2F discussion last
            week, here:


                     It will be good if you can write these out in the
            fully explicit
                     Atomese format that PLN actually uses to save its


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