On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 1:04 PM, Jason Simms <sim...@lafayette.edu> wrote:
> Dear Dan et al.,
> Thanks for the response. No, even with the -b/--background flag, the entire 
> system freezes. I can't open another terminal or anything similar; basically, 
> I have to virtually power cycle the system to get control back. My first 
> thought, too, was that I needed to background the process, but at least at 
> this point it doesn't seem to solve it, or more to the point, that it freezes 
> just before the point it would background it, since again it never returns me 
> to a prompt.

Are you connecting to this VM via the network (e.g. ssh) or via a
"real" serial console? Since it's a VM, my money's on the former. It's
likely that your routing configuration for the VPN is causing it to
overwrite the network route by which you connected to the server. Sort
of like using an electric chainsaw to cut its own power cord.

Things to try:

1) Connect via the "virtual serial console" (every decent VM provider
offers this) and confirm that the system doesn't really hang… just
kills all the routes.

2) Try vpn-slice as a replacement for the default vpnc-script
(disclaimer: written by me), which allows you to pick-and-choose which
parts of the routing configuration provided by the VPN gateway to keep
or ignore: https://github.com/dlenski/vpn-slice

3) Post a log of `openconnect -vvvv` with as much detail as you can
(may need obfuscation of server details and credentials).

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