Thanks, I will incorporate suggestions into RPMS spec files.

Regarding bugs of interactor and steppers:  I was unable to find a
fix in DX code... and I am not sure where in the MOTIF code I should


> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Douglas N. Arnold
> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2000 1:19 PM
> To: Suhaib M. Siddiqi
> Cc:
> Subject: problems with OpenDX RPM files
> I just installed the opendx RPMs from on my  RedHat 6.1
> machine.  Thanks for making RPMs available!  However I did come
> across some problems I wanted to let you know about.
> 1. There still seems to be an interactor problem.  Dials
> and steppers
> don't work.
> 2. There is also a small bug.  The rpm installs into /usr, but the
> script /usr/bin/dx and script in /usr/dx/bin still
> specify the prefix
> /usr/local.
> 3. Finally, I wanted to mention that your naming
> conventions are not
> usual for RPMs and cause some problems.  You associated
> the following
> names to the RPMs (in the spec file, I imagine):
>   OpenDX
>   opendx-4.0.10-redhat-6.x-linux-docs
> The second name is surely not right.  The version number 4.0.10 is
> separate from the name.  If I ask my system to list my installed
> rpms (rpm -qa), it now gives the redundant info
> "opendx-4.0.10-redhat-6.x-linux-docs-4.0.10-1".
> I would suggest names
>   opendx
>   opendx-docs
> for the two RPMs.  Of course the version number would be
> 4.0.10 and the
> release number 1 (or 2).  Then, conventionally, the name
> of the rpm
> files would be name-version-release.i386.rpm, i.e.,
>   opendx-4.0.10-1.i386.rpm
>   opendx-docs-4.0.10-1.i386.rpm
> These names, especially the one associated to the RPM in the spec
> file, are important, since to query the rpm the user must
> supply the
> name.  E.g., if I want to find out what opendx docs there
> are I would
> type, under my suggested scheme,
>   rpm -ql opendx-docs
> It would be tough for me to remember your long name and type
>   rpm -ql opendx-4.0.10-redhat-6.x-linux-docs
> By the way it is possible to put OS information in the
> release number,
> like 1rh6.1, if you insist, but it is not usually done.

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