These are some of the same things that I had started to do, but ran into problems when I fixed them. We have to be careful when qualifying them to be correct. There are lots of different operating systems and different compilers involved here. I agree a lot of these are straight forward such as return ERROR instead of return NULL, but after I went through and cleaned up just one file (memory.c), the number of core dumps I got increased by ten fold.

Your suggestion on builddir!=srcdir has been already submitted and I believe Pete is working on this.


Against latest CVS,

If I'm supposed to be sending this somewhere else, please let me know.

What the patch does:
        . I build with builddir != srcdir as much as possible, so the's and some other files needed changing to work with
        . On the way to finding a bug (that turned out not to be in
        opendx anyways :), I fixed tons of warnings.

Hope this helps,
-- Elliot
Red Hat, a Red Hat company

David L. Thompson                          The University of Montana
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Computer Science Department           Missoula, MT  59812
                                           Work Phone : (406)257-8530

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