No, not quite yet... but the preparation for it has begun.  We're firing up
a Windows2K box with an NVidia card so that we can build and test on the
platform they'll be making available.   Using Exceed3D.  We're also
preparing for the - what are they calling it?  the bakeoff, shootout -
whatever, importing and visualizing the data sets they set up.  A couple
aren't too tricky, one is tricky but not large, one is huge and I haven't
been able to download it.

I'm working on the MS stuff - trying to be careful.  Its all up to date WRT
CVS, but not checked in.  I've built it both ways successfully - gcc and
MSVC++, and am going to build it one last time on MS.  I don't think it
installs correctly; I have to admit, I am very confused as to how the
cygnus stuff is supposed to handle .exe extensions.  Anyway, its almost

I've got a couple of hard deadlines coming up for OpenDX on distributed
machines.  I've punted DDX for the moment - since I couldn't realistically
offer it to an IBM customer as a solution anytime soon, and fallen back on
a much simpler approach using virtually vanilla OpenDX,.  Basically, OpenDX
runs as a master on one node, and as slaves everywhere else.  The master
uses a few custom modules to communicate with the slaves, sending out data,
causing the execution of macros all over creation, and joining when all the
slaves finish the macro.  I'm also implementing a simple sort-last parallel
renderer for it.  We're in the process of building a little cluster machine
to play on.


Rick Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04/12/2000
06:16:04 PM

Please respond to


Subject:  Re: [opendx-dev] 4.1.0

Unless I'm mistaken, the conference in NY is going down about now....

On 12-Apr-00 at 18:10, Suhaib Siddiqi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> There seems to be no activity on OpenDX list.  Is 4.1.0 rock solid for
> the users?
> Is not time now to check in the new patches?  Any news about Win32
> from Greg?
> Thanks
> Suhaib

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