
You select Annotation from the Edit menu then click on the canvas. This allows you to annotate on the canvas. It will show up okay the first time. Double click it to edit it. Type something in (2 lines or more). Then try to drag copy it (with the middle button), or save then re-open the network.


I'm going to need more detail. If I start from dx -edit, what next?? I can
select Annotation, and then one of the tools, but this simply results in one of
the little boxes with the tabs. I don't seem to be able to make any XmText's
appear. I feel like one of those helpless newbies :)

On 16-Apr-00 at 21:17, David L. Thompson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Rick, et. al.,

 I've been keeping current with the cvs version of Lesstif and now
 that 0.90.0 is out, I just wanted to make a comment. There is a
 problem with the XmText with the Annotation capabilities in OpenDX.
 It seems that the first line of any annotation tends to disappear and
 a XtWarning: XmStringGetNextComponent: unknown type error is listed.

 For example, create an annotation on the canvas, save the network,
 and then re-open the file. The first line is gone. This can also be
 shown by creating an annotation, then drag copy it. The first line
 will also disappear. Any ideas?


 David L. Thompson                          The University of Montana
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Computer Science Department           Missoula, MT  59812
                                             Work Phone : (406)257-8530

David L. Thompson                          The University of Montana
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Computer Science Department           Missoula, MT  59812
                                           Work Phone : (406)257-8530

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