So you are going to have to trouble shoot sockets, which is not an easy task. Can you execute a network within the exec by itelf?

$ dx -script
dx> include ""
dx> quit


Matthew Bettencourt wrote:

 and then you can do an execute once and it will die where it dies and
 you can type where and send that to the list
 (gdb) where
 #0  0x40787662 in select () from /lib/
 #1  0x087ae5fc in optarg ()
 #2  0x0808bc80 in _dxf_ExEnvp ()
 #3  0x0808b798 in DXmain ()
 #4  0x406c0a47 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/

Thanks for your reply, but I believe you're misunderstanding.
I was NOT reporting a crash! dxexec keeps running, but without
the server connection (so in a useless state, so to speak).
I can reconnect to the server, but as soon as I click
Execute->Execute Once, I get the error dialog telling me that
the server connection has been broken.
I can't execute any network in the VPE, but no crash occurs!

And I am totally clueless as to why this happens.
What are the reasons for such a sudden server connection break?


David L. Thompson                   Visualization and Imagery Solutions, Inc.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    5515 Skyway Drive, Missoula, MT 59804
                                    Phone : (406)756-7472

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