Thanks much for the prompt response!

Common Data Format (CDF) is one of the scientific data formats supported in openDX. The current CDF library used in openDX is very old, and it doesn't support many features (e.g. zVariable) that are available in the latest CDF library. I'm totally new to openDX (and have never used openDX before) and trying to assess what it would take to support the latest CDF features in openDX. I'm just trying to come up with rough estimate for now and guessing what I have to do is the following:

1) identify the section of the code that reads and imports CDF data


Thanks for pointing me to the right routine! I'm sure you saved me tons of time.

2) replace this section of code with the new code that can handle the new CDF data format/structure
3) link openDX with the new CDF library

Am I on the right track or way off? Any comments or help would be greatly appreciated. I have a feeling that I first need to read the Programmer's Reference manual before other documents, correct?

This is what its going to take--however, you are going to have to understand the data model within DX and cdf to understand how to perform the mapping between the two different structures.

If you need help understanding the OpenDX model--our book will help and we will try and answer any questions you may have.

Which documentation describes the OpenDX data model?


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