
This is an error that occurs when DX detects a problem internally. No one else has run into this at the level that you have (ie does it on everything). What would help out if you did state what type of system, OS, and which version of DX (the cygwin or non-cygwin version) you are trying to run this on. Did you install the new dxexec, etc.


Suhaib Siddiqi wrote:

 I wish users STOP posting the maginal words "I GET THE ERROR ON STRUP"
 Unfortunately, if you cannot post the exact errors there is nothing anyone
 CAN DO to help you.  No one by any means can guess or fantasize the errors
 you saw on your screen and come up with a fix for you.


 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: Jost Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 5:20 AM
 > To:
 > Subject: [opendx-users] Starting up with OpenDX
 > Hi there,
 > I've installed the OpenDX binaries (Version  4.1.1.) for
 > Windows, using
 > NT, and use the Exceed X-Server. So all should work. When I launch
 > edit.bat and menu.bat, all seems to be normal. But -
 > I always get an error message when I try to load the sample
 > files or try
 > to edit them:
 > >Data Explorer has experienced an internal error and will terminate.
 > >
 > >Attempting to save any modified files.
 > >Please check saved files for integrity by reloading them.
 > >No files needed to be saved.
 > >The application will now abort.
 > Does anyone know what to do ?
 > Thanks,
 >       Jost Weber

Dear Suhaib,

I think, that I've given an exact description of what I did, and
the program's response.
So again: I tried to load a sample file  with
OpenDX and any sample I tried, I got the error message mentioned yet.

Is anyone there to whom this error has been occured ?


David L. Thompson                          The University of Montana
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Computer Science Department           Missoula, MT  59812
                                           Work Phone : (406)257-8530

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