Sorry about that. You do need to do one thing first before just applying a transform. Take your Colorbar, run it into an Inquire and ask the question "screen object". This will extract the outermost Screen Object, you then run that into Translate then to your Collect. The values of the positions of the Colorbar for the screen are between 0 and 1. So if you create it initially at [.95 .95] then you could use something like [-.5 -.5] to move it to the middle of the image.

Recognize that you are removing the outermost screen object and there is no easy way to put it back into a screen object. That shouldn't be a problem with a Colorbar but other Screen Objects would not behave as nice. I have a module available at VIS, Inc. that will allow you to create Screen Objects.


Do I have to do something else to make the translation show up on an image with
other elements ? Although the colorbar is now Described as a "translated
object", it has not visibly moved. I am piping the translated object into a
Collect and then feeding it into Image with a Camera. I don't know if this
detail is pertinent, but one of the other image elements is an Arranged object.
Also, I don't know what units the translation is in (pixels ? page normalized
units, like the original colorbar ?) but there seems to be no effect whatever
value I enter.

David L. Thompson                          The University of Montana
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Computer Science Department           Missoula, MT  59812
                                           Work Phone : (406)257-8530

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